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Memberships & Packages

We offer memberships and packages for all our holistic therapy treatments. Please purchase through your therapist, by phone or in-person. Our online portal currently does not offer these packages. Thank you for your understanding. For all other holistic treatment services, please see below for details and booking.


Flora Membership (colon hydrotherapy or lymphatic therapy) – $89/month for 12 months. Includes 1 session per month. Save an additional 6% off all additional services.
Integrated Membership (colon hydrotherapy or lymphatic therapy) – $176/month for 12 months. Includes 2 sessions per month. Save an additional 8% off all additional services.
Wellness Membership (Whole Body Cleanse) – $214/month for 12 months. Includes 1 session per month. Save an additional 10% off all additional services.
All members receive 10% off all Toby O’Dell Massage treatments.


3 sessions – $288 ($96/each)
6 sessions – $570 ($95/each)
9 sessions – $846 ($94 each)
Colon Hydrotherapy

Colon Hydrotherapy is a safe, effective gentle introduction of water into the colon via the rectum. Colon therapy is both relaxing and effective. During therapy the client lies on an Infrared heated grounding table offering the most comfortable and relaxing experience.

During a typical colon hydrotherapy session, gallons of water will be transported into and out of the colon. Using a combination of abdominal massage (if consented), reflexology, breathing instruction and relaxation techniques the colon hydrotherapist is often able to promote elimination of a volume of toxic waste, which would not otherwise be possible through individual efforts.

Just one colon hydrotherapy session may be equivalent to having many regular bowel movements. Eliminations during subsequent therapy sessions can be even more substantial as older, hardened, impacted feces are dislodged from the colon walls.

A small disposable speculum is gently inserted into the rectum through which warm filtered water passes into the colon. Modern state-of-the-art colon hydrotherapy units employ multi-stage water purification systems with UV sanitation light to ensure the cleanest water. Each client receives their own individually sanitized disposable single use speculum kit. Waste is discretely transported through the anus into a drain line without offensive odor and without comprising the dignity of the individual. After each therapy session, the unit is thoroughly cleansed and disinfected in preparation for future use.

A skilled certified colon hydrotherapist will use several fills and releases of water, as well as light massage techniques (with your consent) and pressure points to dislodge toxic waste matter adhering to the walls of the colon. The dislodged fecal matter are then gently washed away though the system’s waste disposal hose.

During the therapy, water temperature and pressure will be monitored by the therapist and can be varied to stimulate peristalsis (muscular contraction) in the colon. This is very important to help the atonic (sluggish) colon.

The colon hydrotherapist will carefully evaluate the client’s progress during their session to determine if additional sessions would be beneficial. After a therapy session, many people report a feeling of heightened energy, an increased sense of well-being and renewed vitality. Almost certainly your colon will be cleaner you may experience easier eliminations and your overall health status should be improved.

Is colon cleansing addictive?

Colon Hydrotherapy is not addictive. It encourages the restoration of the colon’s natural function by strengthening peristalsis.

What’s the difference between colon cleansing and enemas?

With colon hydrotherapy the entire large intestine is cleansed and the therapeutic benefits are much greater than those achieved with an enema. Enema cleansing is limited to the rectum area and due to the body’s natural wish to expel, are limited in duration. Over-the-counter suppositories stimulate expulsion of the contents of the rectum, but contribute to dehydration which may exacerbate a constipated condition.

What to expect during my session?

Each colon hydrotherapy session lasts approximately 45 minutes and one should allow at least one hour per office visit. Initially, a series of at least three separate therapy sessions is usually recommended, to achieve the maximum cleansing benefit. This helps to eliminate fecal matter which may have been lodged in the colon for weeks, months, or even years, and to keep the client properly hydrated.

Cleansing maintenance

Colon hydrotherapy provides a proven way to cleanse your colon, and thereby to increase your chances of maintaining optimal health. But maintaining good health is an ongoing process which requires diligence.

After the initial series of colon hydrotherapy sessions, you may be well advised to seek a colon hydrotherapy every three to six months. In this way, you can maintain the benefits achieved during your first colon hydrotherapy sessions, as well as maintain a strong functioning colon. Your colon therapist should be able to suggest a reasonable schedule depending on your personal health status and desire for further therapy.

How does the actual session and equipment work?

The procedure itself is very simple. The process consists of gently filling your colon with water and when you feel the sensation that you have to go to the bathroom we will release the water and waste. It feels similar to having to go to the bathroom. It is a simple fill and release procedure the entire time. During your session with the therapist you will be able to talk to her about what she sees and what she thinks will be the best way to further assist you with cleansing your body.

How do I prepare for a colonic?

1-2 days before:
  • Hydrate – drink 1/2 your body weight minimum upwards to your full body weight in ounces of water daily. (It is ideal to do this everyday!)

  • Drink fresh pressed organic vegetable juices.

  • If chronically constipated, add organic aloe vera juice 1-6oz daily and magnesium citrate
  • Eat healthy and nourishing foods unless you are fasting.
  • No processed food, fast food, dairy, gluten, fizzy drinks, or alcohol.

  • Try to eat as vegan as possible.

The day of your session:
  • Hydrate

  • Vegetable juices

  • No fast food, fizzy drinks, coffee, or alcohol.

  • No food/beverages 2 hours prior to your appointment

  • Get yourself in a calm, peaceful state of mind.

Can I still do my colonic if I am menstruating?

YES! This is a great time to do a colonic as your body is already detoxing itself. Colonics will also assist in reducing cramps (reducing pressure in the pelvis) and improving hormonal flow throughout the body. Utilize a tampon and continue with your colonic as usual!

What are the contraindications?

Severe Cardiac Disease (uncontrolled hypertension or congestive heart failure)
Severe Anemia
GI Hemorrhage /Perforation
Severe Hemorrhoids
Recent Colon surgery
Crohn’s Disease
Abdominal Hernia
Renal Insufficiency
Ulcerative Colitis

After your colonic:

  • Probiotics to replenish the good bacteria in your gut
    Try coconut culture, coco yo, forager cashew yogurt and/or sauerkraut.
    Good food based probiotics are the best until you know for sure if your body is absorbing the pills you take. You could be wasting a lot of money on supplements; especially when your colon is the site where you absorb the nutrients in the foods you eat and the supplements you take- another reason why colonics are so important.

  • Minerals, Magnesium, Trace Minerals, vitamineral greens, Electrolytes

  • Food, no dairy, gluten, processed foods 24-48 hours after.

  • Water- drink 1/2 your body weight to full body weight in oz of water making sure to add minerals to it.

Does it hurt?

A colonic doesn’t hurt. There may be mild discomfort during insertion and if you are releasing toxins, you may feel some cramping or other discomfort. Afterwards, you typically feel lighter, and less foggy and bloated.

Book in with one of our knowledgable therapists today to learn more or reach out with any further questions.

1 session – $99
Packages (please purchase packages in person or call)
3 sessions – $288 ($96/each)
6 sessions – $570 ($95/each)
9 sessions – $846 ($94 each)

Electro Lymphatic Therapy is an accelerated method of moving stagnant, sticky lymphatic fluid out of the body. Your lymphatic drainage therapist will use a hand-held wand to send high-frequency electrical pulses into your lymphatic system. These healing frequencies break up congestion, rebalance the cells and enhance your immunity.

People who have received Electro Lymphatic Therapy report relief from a wide range of seemingly unrelated conditions, from sore throats to chronic pain, fibrocystic breasts to TMJ, degenerative discs to prostate problems. With a well-functioning lymphatic system, you too can say hello to improved health. This non-invasive detoxification technology is the key to vibrant well- being throughout your body/mind/spirit.

High Frequency Electro Lymphatic Therapy by Inspiration provides radiant light energy; activating the lymphatic system and placing the negative ion charge back around the cells. The cells are no longer conjoined and able absorb nutrients and oxygen. Cells move freely away from bone crevices and dead tissue is moved by the lymphatic fluid into the colon and eliminated. Inflammation and pain are reduced.

Electro Lymphatic Therapy is an accelerated method of moving stagnant, sticky lymphatic fluid out of the body. Your lymphatic drainage therapist will use a hand-held wand to send high-frequency electrical pulses into your lymphatic system. These healing frequencies break up congestion, re balance the cells and enhance your immunity. The one-hour session is painless, relaxing and revitalizing.

Try this in combination with Colon Hydrotherapy and Ion foot detox in our Full Body Cleanse package in this way the body experiences immediate lymphatic release through the colon and feet allowing your body a chance to full feel the benefits of a clear lymphatic system.

We also use this in combo with our whole body vibration and Far Infrared Sauna and BEMER in our Exclusive Cellular Detox Services.

1 session – $99
Electro Lymphatic Therapy
Ion Foot Detox

The Ionic Footbath is a holistic way of approaching disease through saturation of the blood, tissues, cells, and organs with ions. These naturally stimulating and relaxing sessions are based on ionization of water and osmosis to draw toxins from the body.

The Ionic Footbath produces negative hydrogen ions. These act as both an energy carrier and as an antioxidant in the human body.  This ion is known as a primary and primordial antioxidant. The Ionic Footbath allows for a large uptake of negative ions into the coenzyme NAD (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide). This combination created active NADH – the essential coenzyme of all cellular regeneration and reproduction.

Clients Report:

  • Enhance body detoxification

  • Inactivate viruses, bacteria, yeast, fungus

  • Reduce pain

  • Reduce fluid retention

  • Purify the blood and lymph

  • Stimulate the immune system

  • Improve sleep

  • Promote weight loss

  • Relieve tension

  • Chelates heavy metals

  • Reduce inflammation

  • And much more

How does the IonSpa work?

The ionSpa ionic foot bath produces high concentrations of negative hydrogen ions through the process of electrolysis. These ions are absorbed into the body by osmosis through the epidermis of the foot. Once inside the body, negative hydrogen ions act as a high-powered antioxidant and pro-oxidant (in the presence of transitional metals), pH balancer and the catalyst most responsible for ATP (adenosine tri-phosphate) production, our body’s greatest energy resource.

So how does the ionSpa foot bath directly assist the body in detoxification by removing these stored toxins?

Most detox programs work only with one area of the body such as the bowels, others may cleanse the liver or blood, and others may assist the kidneys or the skin. However, there are few programs that can effectively work to detoxify your entire body. The ionSpa detox foot bath is one of those few.

First, let’s discuss the chemistry of the toxins that are being stored. Fundamentally, the toxins stored in your body are all free radicals. A free radical, from a molecular standpoint, is a molecule that has an odd, unpaired electron. They are very unstable and react quickly with other compounds, trying to capture the needed electron to gain stability. Free radicals typically attack the nearest stable molecule and steal its electron! When the attacked molecule loses its electron, it transforms into a free radical itself. This is the beginning of a disastrous chain reaction. Once the process is started, it can burgeon, finally resulting in the disruption of a living cell. Normally, the body can handle free radicals. But if the free radical production becomes excessive, such as an overload of toxins, damage can occur.

During an ionSpa detox foot bath session, large concentrations of negative hydrogen ions are released during the process of electrolysis. These ions are absorbed into the body by osmosis through the epidermis of the foot. Once entered into the system, these negatively charged ions act as an ultra high-powered antioxidant. Who hasn’t heard about the benefits of antioxidants today? To refresh your memory, an antioxidant is a compound which has a weak attraction to one of its electrons. It readily surrenders an electron to a free radical which neutralizes it and ends the electron “stealing” reaction. The ion does not become a free radical by donating an electron because it is stable in either form. Once the free radical is neutralized, it can be removed from the body. Negative hydrogen ions act as “free radical hunters,” helping to prevent cell and tissue damage that could lead to cellular damage and disease.

1 session – $65

Our Whole Body Cleanse includes:

  • 60 minute Colon Hydrotherapy session
  • 55 min Electro Lymphatic Massage
  • 1 Ionic Footbath

Experience it all with the whole body cleanse. Starting with a relaxing massage-like session of lymphatic drainage through an accelerated method of electro-lymphatic therapy (ELT) which moves stagnant, sticky lymphatic fluid out of the body. The therapist will use a hand-held wand to send high-frequency electrical pulses into your lymphatic system. These healing frequencies break up congestion, rebalance the cells and enhance your immunity. This in combination with colon hydrotherapy is the perfect match because the ELT delivers the unwanted toxins to the detox pathways of the body, through the kidneys and the colon to be eliminated. From there the body is primed and ready for colon hydrotherapy. This session can be equivalent to having many regular bowel movements. Eliminations during subsequent therapy sessions can be even more substantial as older, hardened, impacted feces are dislodged from the colon walls as well as cellular debris, lymphatic inflammation and toxins.

Finishing with the Ionic Footbath, which produces negative hydrogen ions. These act as both an energy carrier and as an antioxidant in the human body. This ion is known as a primary and primordial antioxidant. The Ionic Footbath allows for a large uptake of negative ions into the coenzyme NAD (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide). This combination created active NADH – the essential coenzyme of all cellular regeneration and reproduction. Toxins are able to flow out of the pores of the feet into the water.
This combination of therapies in the Total body cleanse our clients report:
Enhance body detoxification
Inactivate viruses, bacteria, yeast, fungus
Reduce pain
Reduce fluid retention
Purify the blood and lymph
Stimulate the immune system
Improve sleep
Reduced bloating 
Relief of constipation 
Promote weight loss
Relieve tension
Mental clarity 
Chelates heavy metals
Reduce inflammation
And much more

1 session – $263
Cellular Detox
Ear Candling

Ear candling takes about 30-45 minutes, it’s non-invasive and has a narcotic effect which is very relaxing. The ear candle is lit on the wide end and heat is not felt in the ear canal.

The negative charge of the herbal smoke and spiral shape of the candle work together to stimulate the respiratory system and cleanse. Dorothy says it’s a way of, “Tweaking the body and letting it balance itself.”
The gentle vacuum effect of fire causes debris to be drawn up the candle toward the flame.

  • Clears wax & debris from the ear canal

  • Relieves pressure from behind the eardrum

  • Sharpens mental functions, vision, hearing, taste & color perception

  • Eases earache, headache & sinus pressure, allergies

  • Relaxation from the negative charge of the herbal smoke

  • Acts as a catalyst to clear nerve endings & promote healing

1 session – $75

The TBV plate gently shakes the body offering the perfect balance of muscular, skeletal, ligament strength, detoxing and moving the lymphatic system.

It helps improve circulation, bone density and skin elasticity.

10 min standing on the total body vibration plate delivers the same amount of muscular endurance and strength equivalent to a 1 mile run!

$1 per minute. Max 20 minutes.
Vibration Plate
Earthing Mat

Earthing Mats mimic the same negative electron connection that your body or feet would have if they connected to the earth (grass, trees, water) more often. Our ancestors walked barefoot and slept on the earth – “grounding” them. Today, we have lost this physical connection to the earth through the use of shoes, cars, floors, concrete, etc. As part of your Colon Hydrotherapy and Toby O’Dell Integrative Bodyworks, you have the option to lay on the Earthing mat during your treatment and receive even MORE wonderful wellness benefits with no extra charge.

These services of Infrared sauna, BEMER, Total body vibration and Earthing mat are balancing for the Lymphatic and Neuromuscular systems, as well as beneficial for joint and bone health. Leave feeling rejuvenated revived and strengthened. Ideal to add any or all of these service to colon hydrotherapy to eliminate the toxins they loosen and kick the toxin out immediately allowing the body a chance to smooth any struggles of eliminating the toxins on its own.

Is the earthing mat comfortable?

Yes. We place the earthing mat under a very soft cushioned fleece.

How would the earthing mat help in a colonic?

Having the earthing mat on the table while doing a colonic will help in balancing the body with Chakra Gemstones, far Infrared heat and photon energy. This can help align with the seven major energy centers of the chakra system to improve mind and body balance. Helping the body to relax the nervous system to achieve a parasympathetic state this can allow the body to release far more than without the earthing mat assistance. 

What kind of earthing mat is it?

There are many different types of earthing mats. The mat Flora Integrated Wellness uses has…


You get to supercharge your health and healing with these five combined therapies . They can regenerate your body on a deep cellular level.

Many clients mention it’s transformational for back and muscle pain, joint stiffness, sleeplessness, mood support, circulation, detox, inflammation, hyperactivity and more.

This service comes with every colon hydrotherapy treatment, unless requested otherwise.

Experience the vast benefits of better circulation! BEMER treatments utilizes a pulsing electromagnetic field (abbreviated as PEMF) that sends signals to stimulate muscles and increase blood flow. The BEMER machine is non-invasive – you just lie on the mat and allow your highly trained therapist to determine the best setting for you. Multiple sessions are encouraged for the best results!

8 minute – $11
20 min – $30
Packages (please purchase packages in person or call)
Package of 10 – 20 minute sessions – $200
Monthly Unlimited – $150
Infrared Sauna

Far infrared rays penetrate the skin reaching deep into the subcutaneous tissue where it heats the body from the inside out, which can also lead to an increased heart rate, resulting in the same elevated heart rate you experience when exercising. The core temperature rises resulting in a deep, detoxifying sweat at a cellular level, while possibly burning up-to 600 calories a session. This thermal treatment helps to eliminate toxins, increases metabolism, reduces cellulite, and stimulates blood and oxygen flow. 

Infrared wavelengths are very healing to the epidermis and dermis layers of the skin, stimulating collagen production, reducing wrinkles, improving the overall skin tone and muscle tone. Noticeable effects are reported on pain relief, weight control, skin stimulation, and stress reduction due to an increased blood circulation.

Infrared heat waves reach the core of the body directly without having to heat the intervening air inside the sauna so lower a temperature setting scan be used to achieve results in short sessions starting from 15 to 30 minutes. With this system, breathing is more comfortable and the atmosphere inside the sauna is more enjoyable than in conventional saunas. There are reports that up to 80% of sweat from infrared heat contains heavy metals and other toxic fluids in addition to extra water, this is an increase of detoxification over sweat in traditional saunas.

Integrating just 15-30 min in this relaxing and rejuvenating experience of an Infrared Sauna session in combination with any services at Flora Integrated wellness to promote wellness for your entire body and spirit!

$1 per minute. Max 30 minutes.

Our cellular detox is a complete body detoxification package. A 2hr session starting with our BEMER mat, Vibration Plate, Electro Lymphatic Therapy and Infrared Sauna.

Cellular Detox Therapy

This healing treatment package opens up the body’s detox pathways as well as targets cellular regeneration.

What you will experience,

  • 10 min Vibration Plate
  • 55 min Electro Lymphatic Massage
  • 8 min BEMER Session
  • 20 min Infrared Sauna

These treatments in combination with one another are balancing for the Lymphatic and Neuromuscular systems, as well as beneficial for joint and bone health.

Leave feeling revived and strengthened throughout your whole body.

Why choose Cellular Detox over Full Body Cleanse?

A great alternative for achieving similar deeper levels of healing, without cleansing the colon.

What’s the difference between Cellular Detox & Full Body Cleanse?

Cellular Detox focuses on lymphatic health and regeneration, while the Full Body Cleanse targets the bodies organs.

1 session – $157
Cellular Detox