Squatty Potty & Toilet Yoga

Regular bowel movements are so important for good health. Having at least one bowel movement every day allows your body to maintain its health. And eliminate toxic waste products necessary for your body to function optimally.

Squatty Potty & Toilet Yoga

Regular bowel movements are so important for good health. Having at least one bowel movement every day allows your body to maintain its health. And eliminate toxic waste products necessary for your body to function optimally. Having a little discomfort while pooping is considered normal; however, constant and uncontrollable pain, loose consistency of the stool, or waiting for long durations between bowel movements may be a call help. Talking about how to poop may seem weird. You have been doing it every single day, so you think you’d know how to do it. However there is so many variables to it – water intake, minerals, diet, lack of exercise, mental/emotional stress and toilet position. Although the elimination of bodily waste is a basic function for the living, everyone in westernized world still does it wrong. Scientists have shared how posture or position while using the restroom has a huge impact on health. 

People have realized, over time, that there are indeed some ideal positions to poop in, the most popular one being squatting. Before the modern toilet seats, squatting was everyone’s go-to poop position. It was extremely common as it promoted healthy bowel movements and efficient emptying of the bowels. In fact, people who understand its benefits still have squat types of toilets in their homes. Feces are held in the body between the rectum and anus in a bend-like space. This bend is right angled to ensure the feces stays inside this space and does not slip out. However, when a person squats, this bend straightens a bit, making it easier for the feces to be defecated. This means that when a person squats down in the restroom, bowel movements will be much easier.

Several studies have shown that the squatting position causes less strain and requires less time for a satisfactory bowel movement compared to the sitting-down position. Due to less strain, it helps prevent major issues such as hemorrhoids. 

If you live in a place where only sitting toilets are available, you can carefully squat putting your feet up on top of a step stool where your knees are elevated higher than your hips making it so you can experience strain-less bowel movement.  Here are the benefits of squatting during a bowel movement.

In addition to a toilet stool, I have coined the term toilet yoga. While your feet are up on the stool you twist to one side, inhale and exhale, push softly and relax, then twist to the other side to do the same.

Come back to the middle position, arch your back to lengthen the abdomen in a ‘cow’ position, then go into a cat position hollowing out your abdomen. It’s helpful in the cat position to place your hands on either side of the belly button and massage or lean over your hands. Do this series of yoga moves from the beginning several times.

Toilet yoga can help lessen the strain on  your colon, and help prevent hemorrhoids.

Introducing breath and movement to the pooping experience, in addition to the squatty potty, can really help your elimination.

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